STTC Cambodia Trip 2014

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Day 1 and 2


We have survived 2 days with no injuries, sickness or lost staff or boys. We’re acclimatising rapidly to the heat and humidity and embracing the full body continual sweating.

Yesterday was a solid day of touring. Five hours of trekking through Angkor Wat trying to imagine how it would have looked in its day. The main temple took 37 years to build and had thousands of gold clad statues all around it – the power and prestige of a distant past.
Lunch in the air conditioning at the Blue Pumpkin was very welcome and then back to the hotel for a swim and a rest then out to the markets again before dinner. The boys are serious shoppers and very competitive as to who got the best deal on hats, speakers or even underwear! Dinner was the Cambodian BBQ where it was cook your own beef, pork, chicken, squid, shark, tuna and crocodile. Mr Biddle and Dylan C have a wonderful bromance happening sharing a private table comparing nail polish colours they got in their two pedicures during the day. Not that surprising really knowing those two.
After dinner it was off in a small army of red tuk tuks to the Phare Circus. A high energy hour of fire juggling, wicked acrobatics, cambodian soap opera and a lesson on bullying and discrimination.
Then surprise surprise back to the markets for some more shopping and very large ice cream sundaes at the Hard Rock Cafe for others.
This morning it’s the Khmer cooking school making your own lunch of spring rolls and curry followed by the trek to Phnom Penh with the mid stop highlight of eating deep fried tarantulas.
We should be there by 7:30pm if all goes well.

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