A big thank you to our Year 10 Peer Leaders who have run several sessions throughout the year with our Year 7 students as part of our Living Well program. It is exciting to see the calibre of young leaders in our College.
The focus has been on building connections and fostering positive relationships within our Swan Community.
Last week’s final session was to review skills, concepts and strategies covered throughout the ‘Strengthening our Connections – Anti Bullying’ module. Stepping up and reporting bullying behaviours is clarified via interactive activities. As with all the sessions, attention is given to the student’s individual and collective responsibility in creating a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. Discussion ensues about the student’s responsibility to stop and think about the harm they might be causing to another and in turn, if they are the target of harmful behaviour, to explore the intent behind the action and to consider appropriate responses.
Encourage your child to continue to share ideas and strategies that work in forming and maintaining great friendships, some of these will include discussion on positive social values like honesty, compassion, kindness, acceptance of difference, friendliness and respect. Share with your child what attributes you value most in friends.
Mrs Junnetta Spurgeon
Dean of Year 7