On Friday 18 March, students from Kindy to Year 12 are invited to don their funkiest socks and shoes. The Year 12 Leadership group are organising a non-perishable food drive, where students can come to school in their sports uniform and bright footwear choice for a donation of an item of non-perishable food.
Our current COVID-19 climate has left many families in difficulty, and our Swan Community Outreach are putting together food hampers for those in need over the coming months.
This is also a great opportunity to support the Down Syndrome Australia’s Lots of Socks campaign. The idea behind the ‘Lots of Socks’ initiative is acceptance of all our differences, and what makes us unique as an individual. Socks come in all shapes, sizes, and designs, just like each of us. You can go to Lots of Socks for information on purchasing your socks to support this cause.