Senior School House Athletics Carnival

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On Monday 22 August Senior School students and staff travelled to the WA Athletics Stadium for the Senior House Athletics Carnival. After having to postpone the carnival from the previous Tuesday due to wet weather, we were blessed with a beautifully sunny day on Monday.

Some events were held at the College in the lead up to the main carnival, and this year hurdles were included in the program for the first time. The hurdles races were well-attended and we now have twelve new hurdles records to be challenged next year. Congratulations to the following students who broke other standing records on the day:




New Record

Year 7 Girls High Jump

Mika B


Year 7 Girls 400m

Lyla M


Year 7 Boys High Jump

Dorell V Z


Year 8 Boys Javelin

Harrison S


Year 8 Boys Discus

Harrison S


Year 8 Boys Shot Put

Harrison S


Year 11 Girls 1500m

Elyssa L


Year 12 Girls Javelin

Annaleigh L


Year 12 Girls High Jump

Annaleigh L


Year 12 Girls Shot Put

Annaleigh L


Year 12 Boys 200m

Jayden R



Congratulations to the following students who achieved champion and runner up for their year level:


Year Level



7 Girls

Mika B

Lyla M

7 Boys

Dorell V Z

Jude S

8 Girls

Daena M

Alora M

8 Boys

Harrison S

Tristan J

9 Girls

Jorja B

Natalie H

9 Boys

Brandon B

Blake H

10 Girls

Samantha M

Regan J

10 Boys

Austin R

William V

11 Girls

Elyssa L

Lara L

11 Boys

Kaden C

Jack J

12 Girls

Annaleigh L

Tayla S

12 Boys

Jayden R

Joshua M


After a close jostle at the top between Kennedy and Shenton for much of the day, Kennedy pulled away in the end to be overall house champions for the day with Bennett sneaking up to claim second spot. Congratulations Mr Coghlan, Venus and Josh and Kennedy house!


Thank you to the students for participating and representing the College and their Houses with pride. To the staff for working tirelessly throughout the day and to the parents who came and supported the event. I am now looking forward to selecting our interschool squad from the results to represent Swan at the upcoming ACC Carnival in Week 7.


Mr Stephen Drew

Dean of Sport