Pre Primarys Become Wildlife Engineers

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On Wednesday 19 October, Pre Primary students and teachers enjoyed a visit from a local wildlife rescue expert and hero Andrea, from Express Wildlife Rescue. She impressed us with her huge heart and 40 years of local knowledge. Then surprised us with two adorable little joeys called Sugar and Scooby Doo. Our hearts melted and we just knew we needed to help! So, as part of our STEM learning the pre-primary students have become Wildlife Engineers!

During the spring break many of us saw animals trying to cross our local roads. Some were sadly injured. This is a STEM learning project close to our hearts. We began by asking this question ‘How can we help the wildlife and Andrea?’ We are now using our STEM skills and the engineering process to imagine and design creative solutions to help local wildlife cross the roads.

Teachers and Pre Primarys have offered Andrea our help as part of our service learning by collecting donations of pillowcases, old towels and antiseptic wipes. We are on the lookout for someone who is willing to round off the corners of pillowcases with a sewing machine so they can resemble pouches for orphaned joeys. If you can help in any way come and see us in Pre-primary soon. What a great cause!

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Harvey, Miss Shipham and all the Pre Primary students thank you, in advance!

Mrs Heidi Cooper and Mrs Hollie Johnson