Swan Succeeds in NEAS Frisbee and Basketball

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On 28 March and 29 March four of our NEAS Basketball and Frisbee teams competed in the NEAS Grand Final.

On Tuesday the Year 7 Boys basketball team mounted a mighty comeback to just fall short away at Swan Valley Anglican Community School, while the Year 8/9 Girls basketball team also fought out a close loss away at Helena College. Having finished second in the NEAS subdivision the Year 8/9 Girls basketball team will now progress to the ACC Championship Bracket in Term 2.

On Wednesday we hosted both the Year 10-12 Boys basketball and Year 10-12 Frisbee grand finals at Swan. The basketball team took out the win in a nailbiter, while the frisbee team won convincingly. Congratulations to both on achieving NEAS Premiers! The basketball team now progresses to the ACC Championship Bracket in Term 2. We look forward to seeing how both teams play in the next round!

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