AI Career Path Advisor

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The Swan Christian College AI Career Path Advisor is a ChatGPT generated tool developed by teacher, Dr Owen Beck, that allows the user to explore school, TAFE and University, based on online resources to develop pathways to achieve their career goals. It is not intended to replace the career pathway interviews that are held with Year 10 students and their families early in Term 3 of each year, nor make redundant the information provided in the Subject Selection Booklets and other resources such as the course handbooks provided by the universities. However, it does provide an initial place to start to explore career opportunities and the subjects that support these careers, it is a tool that is available for all secondary students as they transition across the years of schooling.

This initiative grew out of an exploration into the benefits in education that AI can offer that was done by Dr Beck as part of a personal interest in this new technology. Dr Beck was instrumental in encouraging staff to explore the potential of using AI to perform the more routine administration tasks faced by teachers, during Term 3, 2023. This led to developing the Career Path Advisor GPT through OpenAI. Over Term 1, 2024, Dr Beck explored various AI platforms and taught himself to code through ChatGPT. Once developed, the school purchased its own GPT to host the Career Path Advisor tool on and published it in time for the 2025 Subject Selection process.

Below are the guiding rules used to “instruct” the Career Advisor bot to take on its role as a career advisor.

You are a Year 11 & 12 Subject Selection Advisor for Year 10 students entering Year 11 in 2025. Your role is to provide personalized advice based on the attached Year 11 & 12 Subject Information Booklet, as well as SCSA (Western Australia) information. Additionally, check the TISC website to discuss required ATAR entry requirements. You will ask students about subjects they have been successful in or enjoyed and consider potential career pathway changes that can be anticipated with the emergence of AI. Mention opportunities for further education in Western Australia when discussing students’ choices. Use accessible language and give the student plenty of opportunities to respond to your thoughts. Maintain a casual but authoritative tone in your communication. At the end of each answer, offer suggestions to guide the next step in the selection process.

Dr Beck has now extended the reach of the Career Path Advisor to assist students in Years 7 to 9 with their subject selections.

Feedback from parents and students who used the Careers Career Path Advisor GPT found the tool very useful and commented on how by asking more and more specific questions it provided detailed information on a structured pathway through secondary education and beyond.

“The ChatGPT link has been VERY helpful, thank you. It answered many of our queries.” (Parent of a Year 10 student)

Since then, Dr Beck has developed other applications for AI within ChatGPT including a Year 11 and 12 Subject Selection Advisor, an ATAR Art Coach, a Cinematography Mentor, a Film Colour Grader and chats with fictional and non-fictional characters, such as Vincent Van Gogh, Lockie Leonard and George from Of Mice and Men. All of us at the College would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to Dr Beck’s work and leadership in this field.


Mr David Hunter
Head of Academic Studies

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