In the dazzling world of dance, a young talent has emerged, capturing hearts and claiming victory at the esteemed Dance...
On Friday 2 June, the Year 10 and 12 French students at Swan participated in a Skype session with their...
Thank you for being patient while visiting the College during peak drop-off and pick-up times. We understand the frustration our...
Swan Christian College is thrilled to invite you to participate in our fundraising campaign and support the new Wild Play...
We are delighted to share the incredible achievements of two of our talented Year 9 students, Samuel A and Benjamin...
Camp Australia will not be running the Rocketeers Program on our campus during the first two weeks of the July...
What a turnout we had on Tuesday, 23 May when the Inclusive Education Team hosted a community morning tea. Ms...
Friday marked an exciting occasion as Perth fashion designer Karen Elizabeth Young visited the textiles room for an inspirational incursion....
On Friday the 12th of May the junior school had their WACSSA afl carnival. They played a total of 5...
On Tuesday 16 May, Junior School students celebrated their mums, guardians and grandmothers at the Junior School Mother's Day morning tea....

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Enrolment Enquiry

Before submitting your enrolment enquiry please be aware of the following:
  • Enrolments are now closed for 2024
  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2025
  • There are also waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

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