I wrote earlier this year about the importance of Swan Christian College being a child safe school. It is important you are aware that our College works hard to be child safe and know that the College recognises its obligations to report to relevant authorities should a belief be formed that a child is not safe.
Swan Christian College acts to protect children and young people from physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and cultural abuse, and from neglect. It also maintains a safe physical and online environment to protect children and young people from harm. You are likely to have noticed or experienced a number of policies, procedures and actions that all have the protection of the safety of our children and young people at their core. These include, but are not limited to:
- Photographs of children not being taken without parental permission, including the photographing and filming of other children at Carnivals and other School activities.
- Medicines for children to take while on camps being provided in its original packaging from a doctor or pharmacist, and up to date relevant medical information always being provided.
- When buildings are renovated or newly built, glass will be used extensively to provide clear lines of sight for staff and students.
- Staff wearing fluoro vests while on duty to allow children to clearly and easily identify them in the school grounds.
- Written permission being provided by parents for another adult to pick up a child from school or a College-supervised event, and for a student to travel in a car being driven by another student to or from a School-supervised event.
- Risk assessments, and subsequent risk mitigation, being carried out in the preparation for any tour, camp or excursion.
- Technology-monitoring software being used on the School’s computer network.
- Having a child friendly complaints system, a clear pastoral care structure for students and a choice of adults with whom students may talk.
- Wearing hats and sunscreen when outdoors, and protective equipment when playing sport or engaging in practical curriculum work.
- Using restorative practices in cases of conflict between students.
- Reporting to relevant authorities when the safety of a child is compromised.
- Implementing a maintenance schedule for School buildings, fixing broken or malfunctioning equipment, and making safe any hazards around the grounds.
- Installing secure fencing around play areas for Early Childhood children.
Ensuring that Swan Christian College is a child safe environment is a dynamic process, it is of paramount importance to us and is reflected in all that we do.