College Celebration Evening

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On Monday 21 November at 6:45 pm we will be gathering at Swan Christian College as a community to celebrate the 2022 College year.
We are looking forward to welcoming you and your family at the College to celebrate the exemplary achievements of our students this year.
Date: Monday 21 November
Doors open: 6:00pm
Starts: 6:45pm
Venue: Swan Centre (Gymnasium), Swan Christian College
Dress: All students in Years 5-11 must wear full Winter Uniform with their College tie and blazer.
This is an opportunity for us to celebrate the achievements of our individual students in Year 5 to 11, music ensembles and sporting events. We will be celebrating in the Swan Centre (gymnasium) which will provide a sense of familiarity and belonging as a community.
Year 1 to 4 students will have award assemblies later in the year, but you are more than welcome to attend our College Celebration Evening.
A highlight will be showcasing our performing arts students while various creative works and sporting events will be celebrated through the power of high-definition video. And of course, we will celebrate the individual academic, service and citizenship awards achieved by our students. This is always a very special event that allows our students and teachers to share with parents and other family members the extraordinary place to which we all belong, Swan Christian College.
All students from Years 5-11 are expected to attend. Siblings, family, friends and 2022 Year 12 graduates are all invited to join us in this celebration. As this is a formal College occasion, all students in Years 5-11 must wear full Winter Uniform with their College tie and blazer.
As seating in the Swan Centre (gymnasium) will be limited, all students, parents and guests need to book a seat. Due to planning requirements, we will not be able to issue any door tickets on the night.
If your plans change and you are no longer able to attend, you can return your tickets at Humanitix.
When booking tickets, please include:
• current Swan Christian College students, including performing students and award winners
• parents/guardians and guests
• siblings (not currently enrolled at the College)
• Year 12, 2022 graduates (if applicable).
Please book your tickets by Friday 18 November, 3:00pm at
For all ticketing queries please contact Mrs Kylie Bullard on the College number or via email at

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