Midvale Parenting Service Announcement
The Parenting Service has suspended all face to face contact and staff are now working from home until further notice.
The Parenting Service is committed to supporting families and are doing this in the following way:
They are able to support parents on an individual basis by phone or zoom, and will also provide workshops and evidence based programs via zoom. Zoom meetings are possible if parents have access to Wi-Fi and a device with a camera.
Programs such as – Circle of Security Parenting, Tuning in to Kids, 123 Magic & Emotion Coaching, Tuning in to Teens and also Protective Behaviours Parent Workshops will be offered via zoom in groups of approximately 6 participants. The Parenting Service is now taking expressions of information for these program and will also be making contact with people who have already expressed interest in previously advertised programs.
For further information regarding the programs and service https://www.midvalehub.org.au/copy-of-parenting-and-family-suppor
The Parenting Service will continue to share parenting information via their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/midvalehub/ and can still be contacted on the office number 9290 6827 and email parentingservice@mundaring.wa.gov.au.
Code Camp School Holidays Program
Code Camp is offering an online program which allows students to be creative digital storytellers, problem solvers, and coders during their school holidays and throughout any school closure periods thereafter.
They have scrapped their normal subscription fees and are offering free access for all students to the online coding software Code Camp World – www.codecampworld.com – where children can learn to code online with step-by-step instructions on how to build a selection of apps/games!