Family Fun Night

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After the huge success of the Family Fun Night last year we have decided to run the event again this year. The Family Fun Night is a combined fundraiser between College Parent Committee and Swanmissions.

Attractions will include: Inflatables, games & musical entertainment by Swan students, plus an outdoor family movie on the big screen.

Food & refreshments, including Ice cream & coffee, available for purchase on the night. All funds raised will go towards Swanmissions and College Parent Committee projects.

Please bring blankets or camping chairs for the outdoor family movie. The movie will be “G” rated.

Friday 20 March 2020
5:00 – 8:30pm


$10p/p plus Trybooking Fee
0-2yrs Free entry

Swan Christian College – N Block Oval (back of the College)
381 Great Northern Highway, Middle Swan, WA 6056

Parents who would like to volunteer on the night should please contact Susan Luce at

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