Final Blog Post from Zambia 2018

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Final Blog Post from Zambia

Hello all, ‘Mulushani’ 

I just wanted to take the time to commend your young people for the way that they have conducted themselves during the Zambia trip this year. We have laughed (a lot) and cried, (probably a little too much) together. We have overcome some illness and experienced some ‘once in a lifetime’ things over the past 12 days.

Your young adults have touched the lives of not only the people of Kantalomba, and Light Up Ahead School, but those of the staff on this trip. As I sit here in Livingstone Zambia, in a guest house called Fawlty Towers, I am filled with many emotions as I consider all that we have done. The young people have overcome fears, struggled with sickness and felt the pain of leaving students at Light Up Ahead School that they have formed incredible bonds with. It has definitely not been all bad though, we have had many laughs, often it has been at silly things that they have done, and I am excited for them to come home and share their experiences with you.

I guess what I am trying to say is THANK YOU for supporting them in coming on this trip. They each brought something unique which made our team rich with skills and talent that The Lord was able to use for His glory. Matthew 25:40 reads “The King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”.  This team has served the people of Kantolomba and in doing so they have served The Lord.

Today is a day of travel for us, with a fair bit of sitting around thrown in. We will be leaving our accommodation at around 10:15am local time (6 hours behind Perth). We will then spend one last time haggling at the markets, before boarding our flight to Johannesburg. We then get to spend around 7 hours waiting at Johannesburg airport for our flight back to you in Perth. This flight – SA 280 will depart Johannesburg at 21:15 (local time) and arrive in Perth at 12:20 pm Perth time.

We are all very excited to be coming home, but it is tinged with a little sadness as we realise that our trip has come to an end. We are looking forward to seeing you all, and telling you all about what we have done and witnessed.

We will be organising, in the next couple of weeks, a reunion evening where we will be able to show you some photos and videos from the trip. But for now, it is not goodbye, it is see you SOON!!.

God Bless

Rebecca Coleman

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