Save the Date – College Celebration Night: On Monday evening, 18 November, we will be gathering at the Perth Concert Hall as a learning community to celebrate the 2019 College year.
This is an opportunity for us to join in celebrating the achievements of our individual students, performing ensembles and sporting events that have occurred this year in a venue where we can relax and enjoy belonging as a community.
A highlight will be the performances of some of our music ensembles while various drama and sporting events will be celebrated through the power of high definition video.
And of course, we will celebrate the individual academic, service and citizenship awards achieved by our students.
This is always a very special event and allows our students and teachers to share with parents and other family members the special place to which we all belong, Swan Christian College.
Formal invitation will be sent home this week.
Roads Update
By the time you read this, I hope the majority of work on our entry and exit roads from the College will be complete and both of these points will be safer for our community. Once this is done, we will embark on improving our signage throughout the College grounds.
I must once again thank all drivers for your care and patience as you negotiate your way in and out of the College each day. Our children’s safety is paramount and we each have a responsibility they arrive at school and get home safely.
Adrian Scott