On Saturday 25 February Year 12 ATAR Drama students commenced our Masterclass series at Swan Christian College.
These five hour long workshops are held in the Maali Mia Theatre at the College and give the Year 11 and 12 students an opportunity to work collaboratively to extend both their skills, understanding and interpretation of how material can be manipulated to enhance scripted drama and to create devised material.
This last weekend we looked at Viewpoints by practitioner Anne Bogart, and how the 9 Viewpoints have the potential to inform all performance based work and build a deeper understanding of contemporary Physical Theatre. We also explored voice and focus techniques that help us prepare for performance.
This is an opportunity to learn experientially, and to share through participation and observation as material, skills and concepts are investigated and experimented with, so that their applicability in the student’s work becomes tangible.
Ms Jane Lee
Drama Teacher