Meeting Australian Wildlife

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Our Kindergarten students went on a bus ride to Caversham Wildlife Park last term. For some of the students, it was their very first bus ride ever!

The classes were a buzz of excitement, as they had been waiting for this day since Day 1 of the year. The day’s tight schedule started with a farm show which included sheep sheering, Billy Can swinging, lamb feeding, rounding up of sheep, cow milking and then our own Mrs Brown doing some whip cracking.

The students then moved around in their teams, looking at and sometimes touching the local and Australia wide wildlife. The students and teachers were very excited to be up close to wombats, snakes, koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and penguins. Most were on the hunt to see where Douglas, the crocodile’s enclosure was. Luckily he had moved positions each time students went past him and we saw him close to the glass.

The day ended with a quick play at the local playground before taking a well-deserved nap on the bus before the school drop off. 

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