Music Tuition at Swan

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We trust your children have been enjoying instrumental music lessons this term and you are experiencing the joys of having music fill the hallways of your homes. If you would like to start instrumental music lessons for your child next term or need to withdraw your child from lessons, please read the notice below.


How to Apply for Instrumental Music Lessons

All students are warmly invited and encouraged to get involved in the opportunities offered by our Music department and students from any year level are welcome to apply for instrumental music lessons.

These lessons are offered on all common instruments and are delivered by our team of dedicated tutors who specialise in their instrument. Lessons are 30 minutes per week and students come out of regular classes to attend. These instrumental lessons rotate weekly, so students are not missing the same subject each week for their music lesson. Lessons are available as individual lessons or group lessons of two or three students. Tutors bill parents directly.

To apply, please complete and return the Music Tuition Application Form which you can download from SEQTA Engage.


Withdrawing from Instrumental Music Lessons

This is a quick reminder for parents – if you are planning on withdrawing your child from lessons, the cut-off date this term is Week 10 (usually Week 8). As stated in the contract, when no such notice is given, tutors are entitled to charge half the term fees, in lieu of notice.

If you have any questions ask about instrumental Music at Swan Christian College, please contact Mr Raymond, Head of Instrumental Music.

Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

Before submitting your enrolment enquiry please be aware of the following:
  • Enrolments are now closed for 2024
  • Limited places available in Year 3, 2025
  • There are waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2025
  • There are also waitlists for Kindergarten and Year 7, 2026
  • We encourage you to submit applications at least two years in advance.

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