The Year 12 Leadership Team is holding a Neon Disco for Middle School students on Friday 19 August from 4:30-7:30pm in the Swan Centre.
The night will be a fun Middle School social evening and a fundraiser for Swanmissions. There will be a dance floor with DJ and party lights and three blow up inflatables, including an obstacle course, gladiator ring and soccer arena. Plenty of staff and Year 12 students have been organised to supervise the event, and there will be some supervision for those who aren’t able to go home after school.
Admission tickets for the Disco are $5.00 if purchased before the night on Trybooking or $6:00 at the door, and include entry, the inflatables, fairy floss and a glow stick. A sausage sizzle and juice box is available for $2.00, for catering purposes we would prefer that these are purchased through the Trybooking link with Admission. There will be student photographers taking candid shots on the night and we will make these photos available to parents for download. Instructions for download will be sent home after the photos have been checked and uploaded.
The Leadership team has done a fantastic job planning the Disco, making sure they have covered all the bases so the students who attend have a fun and memorable social evening.
Finish time is at 7:30pm, and we would appreciate students being picked up promptly. If you have any questions about the event, please email