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Click here to read and explore the different events happening in and around our community (non-College events).
Emergency services cadets excursion
Emergency services cadets excursion
Register today to reserve your seat for the Christian Education Seminar, featuring international expert on Christian Education Professor Trevor Cooling (UK)
Kalamunda Christian School would like to extend an open invitation to parents to register for an interactive parent workshop.
Several of our Year 10 students achieved the honour of being the first of our students to achieve the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.
The Junior School community recently celebrated Easter with a special drama and music production titled The Resurrection.
All students in Junior School from Years 2-6 who learn an instrument or sing in the choir are invited to enter the upcoming Eisteddfod.
A reminder to all mothers at Junior School that you are invited to our Mother's Day event on Friday 11 May.
The Year 4 classes had the opportunity to go on a service learning excursion to Trillion Trees, a nursery not far from our school
There have been some staff changes in Senior School. Click here to read more.
Please take note of the following College uniform notices for Years 1-12 which will come into effect in Term 1 2019.
This year, we have an opportunity to host students from Kasugaoka High School and Hojo High School in Japan.
Swan Christian College had the privilege last week to host Mary Zambezi, the Founder and Zambian Director of the Kantolomba Project.
The Middle and Senior School Cross Country will be taking place from 11:50am - 3:15pm this Friday 11 May.
Over 300 people filled the back oval of the College for the inaugural Family Fun Night.
What a great pleasure it was to work with so many talented students and staff at Godspell.
Join us at a parent evening with eSafety speaker Rachel Downie from the Office of the eSafety Commissioner on Thursday 17 May
Year 10-12 NEAS Interschool Soccer/Netball
Year 7-9 NEAS Interschool School Soccer/Netball
Year 7-9 NEAS Interschool School Soccer/Netball

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