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The College has registered for the Sports for Schools Program. Students can drop off vouchers at the PE Office (in the gym) or at Junior School Student Services.
WANTED: any clean old bed sheets, in any condition torn or tatty.
A distinguishing factor of Swan Christian College is our emphasis on service as we seek to follow in Jesus footsteps.
The WA Department of Education provides an allowance of up to $350 to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs.
The College Parent Committee would like to invite you to the first Parent Open Meeting for 2018.
The College Parent Committee would like to invite you to the first Parent Open Meeting for 2018.
The College has registered for the More for Our Schools campaign. The three schools with the most points will be awarded a prize.
English tutoring will be offered for Middle and Senior School students after school on Tuesdays (odd weeks) and Wednesdays (even weeks).
The next whole College Tour will be conducted on Friday 23 February commencing at the Junior School at 9:00am.
If you have a child wishing to enter Kindergarten in 2019 and have not let us know, please do so as a matter of urgency.
The 2017 Graduate Academic Results are now available on our website.
It is evident that the roads are continuing to cause problems for parents who are dropping off and collecting students from the College.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
Kings Park and Art Gallery Excursion More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents prior to the event.
TBC More details will be sent to parents and guardian prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardian prior to the event.
TBC More details will be sent to parents and guardian prior to the event.

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Enrolment Enquiry

Swan Christian College Alumni Registration


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