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More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
TBC More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details to be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
Venue and time to be confirmed More details to be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details to be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details to be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
Parents are invited to attend the final assembly and morning tea. Time TBC
Year 12 Exam period for WACE courses both ATAR and non-ATAR
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
Year 6 Sydney/Canberra Trip More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.
More details will be sent to parents and guardians prior to the event.

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Please click on the following link to download the How to access Parent Lounge document:

Enrolment Enquiry

Swan Christian College Alumni Registration


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