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Many students are having to learn to manage their free time including how much of it they will spend on their devices.
The evening will begin promptly at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm. Please ensure to bring your paper tickets which have been mailed out today.
Applications open for 2018 Kimberley Trip (Year 11 and 12)
The Outback Missions Trip team is hosting a reunion event that is open to students who are interested in learning more about the trip.
The Year 11 Hospitality trainees enjoyed an excursion to the Cheese Barrel in the Swan Valley.
The First Lego League afternoon club competed with great success at a regional competition at St Stephens School in Carramar.
A group of students competed at the 2017 WACSSA Beach Volleyball, with great success.
A large group of Year 4 students set off in groups with teachers and parent helpers to clean up the river parkland.
Click here to read and explore the different events happening in and around our community (non-College events).
The Luke Durbridge Sport Scholarship is being offered once again to students for 2018.
We are pleased to inform the College community that Transperth has announced a new bus route in Jane Brook for our College.
The Colleges dance students will have the opportunity to perform to an audience of family and friends, with costumes and stage lights.
All of the year six students travelled to Scitech for a day full of excitement.
The Year 5 students boarded the bus for the annual Year 5 Camp at the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp in Hillarys with anticipation.
The 2018 Zambia Impact Trip team is seeking a business sponsor to help with the trips costs.
The College is asking the College community to donate current uniforms for a second-hand uniform fundraiser on 11 December.
Please book your tickets for the 2017 Awards Night by 6 November.
On Friday morning 3 November, the Certificate III Hospitality students are once again excited to bring you Family Breakfast.
Book your ticket for the very first production of the Fenceline Theatre Company on Wednesday 8 November at 6:30pm.
Click here to read and explore the different events happening in and around our community (non-College events).
Click here to read and explore the different events happening in and around our community (non-College events).

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