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During Arts Showcase week, the Visual Art students exhibited over 120 artworks ranging from ceramic sculpture, to painting and drawing.
The Swan Meteors basketball team has provided fertile ground for students character growth throughout the many years that the team has been part of the College.
On Tuesday night of Arts Showcase week, the Mali Mia Theatre was bursting with both musicians and audience.
On Thursday night of the Arts Showcase week, Media students were able to present and screen the media work that they have created throughout the year.
On Wednesday night of the Arts Showcase week, Music and Drama from the Year 11 and 12 ATAR students were featured.
At a recent College Assembly, the first College Colours were awarded to students.
Teens, Parties and Alcohol a practical guide to keeping them safe.
The College Fundraising Committee has organised a Scitech College Community Fundraising event on Friday 8 September.
Please pencil these dates into your Calendar if your child is entering Year 7 in 2018
At present, there are limited places available for students commencing in Year 11 in 2018.
Click here to read and explore the different events happening in and around our community (non-College events).
Click here for more information about sporting activities happening in the community.
The relaunch of the Year 10 Work Experience has been a great success.
Please join the College in congratulating Mr Luke Norman on his appointment as Head of the Swan Trade Training Centre.
The Middle School recently celebrated consistently strong academic achievement and effort.
The Year 3 to Year 6 students recently took part in two fun and challenging maths incursions.
The funds raised on Philippines Day will go towards helping the Ati Tribe, a marginalized indigenous people group living in the Philippines.
Click here to see what organisations could use your help and how you can get involved in helping the community.
The Year 5 students learned a lot and had a lot of fun on a recent excursion to Fremantle prison.
The Junior School held their dress-up day with students and teachers dressing up as something related to their favourite book.
The College community is really getting behind the Walk the Wall fundraiser with 19 walkers already signed up and $1068 raised so far.

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