“Today was our rest day. After weeks and almost years of work we finally made it. We started the day with a scrumptious breakfast displayed out with a royal carpet. I wore a crown. Then we got ready and went snorkelling. There were electric blue fish, angelfish and some starfish. After about an hour we saw ten Great White sharks chasing hundreds of blue whales (just kidding). We shared a delicious lunch of tuna, chicken or ham in sandwiches as we rocked on the boat. Nobody drowned. We then returned home, got into groups and went out to the markets. The girls did their nails (no mum I didn’t, someone just cut my gorgeous, gorgeous nails), and people got their hair braided. They look fantastic. We went for dinner and returned home. Now we are hotspotting and pretending like we are in a jumpy castle. Overall the day was a lot of fun and really good. Also thanks parents for the letter (and thanks from everyone else), some people cried and some didn’t. It was beautiful. :)” – Kirsten
“Today was one of our rest days, we got to sleep in until 7:30 with breakfast at 8. After we had our breakfast, we received letters from home (thanks for the money Ange). After reading all the letters, we all got prepared to go snorkelling. Evan, @evanfawell, filmed most of the stuff with his go pro. Then, we all got back and got ready to go to the markets. I finally got sunnies for my brother and stuff for mum and dad. We all met up and went to dinner at a place called Army and Navy. Catchya.” – Josh
“This week has been a very different experience. I went to the Masa Ati school and put up all the steel for the walls for the classrooms. Today was our rest day. We went snorkelling off Boracay which was really fun. We also went to the markets and bought stuff if we wanted to. Then we went to Army and Navy for dinner, got ice cream and walked back to the where we are staying. I have loved every minute of the trip, so far it’s been a really good experience.” – Jordan
“Already a week since we departed! We have packed so much into it. Today was a planned recreation day, well deserved after the hard yards everyone has put in. We started with a walk to the beach, boarded our outrigger boat to begin a morning of snorkelling. The reefs were full of colourful fish, starfish and coral. The turquoise water is so clear and warm to swim in. We visited a couple of reefs then motored around the island. This afternoon we walked through markets and a few students got their hair braided. We ended the day with another spectacular sunset and a dinner that satisfied everyone! An early evening in preparation for our sports day and more building tomorrow.” – Ms Poynton